Monday, January 6, 2014

Newsletter 1/6 - 1/17

Welcome Back! I hope your holiday was as nice and relaxing as mine was! I'm so excited to be back with my students. Here is the plan for the next couple of weeks:

Reading Volunteers- We will start up our volunteers this week. I may have some of you pass the children off on their times tables instead of the regular reading. Thank you for your service!

Math- We are beginning Chapter 6- "Understanding Division". We will also be working on our Mountain Math board which contains concepts included in the core curriculum. Please continue working on times tables at home.

Writing- We just finished up our narratives before the break and will take some time on writing a correct letter.

Reading/Literacy- We continue to use the Daily 5 method to address our reading skills. The students will be heavily involved in read-to-self, reading with others, small group reading, listening and word work. We also will be revisiting the parts of speech. Vocabulary is addressed all throughout the school day, everyday. For the second half of the year, the students will be keeping track of their newly learned words in a vocabulary journal. I also recommend having your child read out loud to you for at least 10 minutes each night. Please stop and discuss any unknown words.
P.S.- Reading records for December are now due.

Keyboarding- Our social studies and science will be put on hold for a few weeks while we complete our keyboarding lessons. Starting next week, you will see some typing homework come home most nights. This homework is only meant to take 10 minutes. If your child does not complete the whole sheet, don't worry. We would just like 10 solid minutes of practicing correct technique.  Also, please just sign the homework. There is no need to print it out.

Art/Music/P.E- Continue as usual.

Mini-Mall- Your child has possibly mentioned our class "Mini-Mall". This is a fun experience for students to make and sell items to class members . It also goes along well with our unit on economy. Your child can bring items from home, or get small items from the store. Please be aware that bringing items is optional. If your child chooses not to sell items, that is fine. He/She will still be involved and can shop at the mall. We will plan to combine the mini-mall with our Valentines Party on February 14th in the afternoon. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Valentines Party:
Since we will be combining our mini-mall with the party, I'm going to change up the regular party sign-ups. If you'd be willing to donate to the purchase of pizza, please message me. Thank you!

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