Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas break will be here soon and we much to accomplish!  The following is an update on each subject:

Unit Study- For Social Studies we are learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. If any of you are knowledgable about how another culture celebrates Christmas (and you're willing to come in to present to our class) please let me know. I would love to have parent participation if possible. I can accommodate any time that will work for you. Also, on the Friday that school gets out for the break (Dec.19th), we will be having a pajama party. For the p.j. party, the students are allowed to bring one item such as a stuffed animal or blanket. During the afternoon, I would like to have  "Christmas Around the World" story time. If any of you would like to share any kind of Christmas story with the students that day, please let me know and we will schedule a time that works for you.

Keyboarding- There was no keyboarding number 8 homework, in case you were worried. Please encourage your child to continue practicing their keyboarding skills over the break.

Math- We took the chapter 4 math test today. Please watch for the results to come home. As always, corrections are accepted. Chapter 5 continues on with multiplication.

Times Tables- Students are struggling a bit with the 12's. If you could keep practicing those, that will really help.

Language Arts/Reading- Daily 5 as usual with an emphasis on writing.

Sing-Around-The-Tree: Everyday next week the students will sing Christmas carols in the gym for half an hour.

Christmas Party Sign-ups:

One dozen cookies- Amy Wittwer
(Any holiday type cookies will work)
One dozen cookies- Angie York
One dozen cookies- Kristen Woffinden
Boxed drinks-
Boxed drinks- Janna Davidson
Boxed drinks- Tori Jenkins
Holiday candies- Natalie Beacham
Holiday Candies- Brynda Thomson

Thank you!!

P.S. If your child received a Lifetouch class picture that you did not purchase, will you send them back. Apparently there was a big mix-up this year. Thank you!

1 comment:

Kristen Woffinden said...

Mrs. Holmes,
I will be glad to bring a dozen cookies for the Christmas party!