Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Newsletter 12/10 - 12/21

This will be the last newsletter of the year!  It's really hard to believe that time is moving so fast!
Along with the regular academics listed from last week, we will be having some fun holiday activities that the students should really enjoy.


Monday, December 17th @ 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, December 18th @ 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 19th @ 1:00 p.m.

Special Holiday Performances:

Thursday, December 20th @ 11:00- CHS Madrigals
Friday, December 21st @ 10:00- South Orchestra & Choir

Class Party- Friday, December 21st @ 2:30

Christmas Party Sign-ups-

One dozen cookies- Becky DeMille
One dozen cookies- Rachel Hunt
One dozen cookies- Denise Purvis
One dozen cookies- Trisha Anderson
Boxed Drinks- Heidi Webster
Boxed Drinks- Carrie Horton
Boxed Drinks- Merritt Harrison
Napkins- Jodi Corser
Holiday Candies- Michelle Nielson
Holiday Candies- Carrie Horton

If you able to donate to the class party, let me know.  Also, if you have signed up and are unable to bring your item, send me a message.  Thank you all for your generosity!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Newsletter 12/3- 12/7

Only three more weeks until Christmas vacation!  We have a lot of work to accomplish before then!
Here is the plan:

Math-  Working on Chapters 7 & 8 (Division)  I would like to finish these chapters up in the next 2 weeks.  Before the break, I would like to give a solid introduction to Chapter 9, which deals with patterns and relationships.

Times Tables-  We will finish passing off our 3's on Wednesday and start on 4's for next week.

Spelling & Vocabulary-  We will continue with both lists clear through until the break.

Daily 5- Regular Read-to-Self, Word Work, Read-to-Someone & Listening  *We have started a new Daily 5 Narrative writing piece.

Interventions- Regular schedule: Mondays- Guided Reading, Tuesdays- Mountain Language,  Wednesdays- Dictionary,  Thursdays- Dictation & Phonics, Fridays- Mountain Math

Unit Study- Traditions from around the World.

*Looking ahead:  When we get back from the holidays, we will be working on Keyboarding in the computer lab.  During this period of time, there will be an added half-page of typing for homework.

Have a wonderful week!