Thursday, October 23, 2014

Welcome back from a wonderful fall break! Today begins our 2 day celebration of Red Ribbon Week. The students will be involved with activities that remind and teach them to be drug free. Today, we will have an assembly that includes the CCPD and the drug enforcement dogs. Tomorrow (Friday) is crazy hair day/ school T-shirt day.
The academics will continue as outlined in our previous post. We will have our #8 spelling test tomorrow.

*Reading Volunteers: If you signed up to be a reading volunteer, please come next week. The time will be 8:50 - 9:30 a.m.

*Frustrated and confused by the GoMath program?  South Elementary will be offering parenttrainings beginning in November.  We will focus on the new strategies and vocabulary presented in the GoMath program.  This is not a homework club directed at completing homework, but a training directed at parents who are having a difficult time understanding the new ways of thinking presented in the GoMath program.  We will begin November 6, with 3rd and 4th grade concepts from 5-6 PM, and 5th grade topics from 6-7PM.

Halloween Party: Our Halloween Party will be held on Friday, October 31st. It is scheduled for the last hour of the day. The following is the sign-up list from Back-to-School night.

One dozen glazed donuts: Lacey McGarvey
One dozen glazed donuts: Amy Miller
One dozen glazed donuts: Kate Herbaugh
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Amy Wittwer
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Kaycee Turek
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Kris Slack
One 2-liter Sprite: Tori Jenkins
One 2-liter Sprite: Amy Wittwer
One 2-liter Sprite: Sandi Lunt
One 2-liter Sprite: Kim Holyoak
Cups, Spoons, and Napkins- Brynda Thomson

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's time for an update! We have been extremely busy learning about Iron County with Mrs. Everett and Bridges with me for my unit study.  We were sad to see Mrs. Everett go and wish her the best. She made such a difference in our class!

Here is the focus for the next few weeks:

Math- As you are well aware, we have finished Chapter 1 and are immersed in Chapter 2. Chapter 2 focuses on interpreting data through graphing. We will soon end this Chapter with a test next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Times Tables- Mrs. Cindy Davidson has been helping our students pass off times tables. We are finishing up 5's and concentrating on 10's. It is crucial that our students learn their times tables and have them committed to memory. It will help them immensely throughout the rest of their schooling.

Language Arts/Reading- Our interventions are moving along nicely. If your child is in my intervention group, this is our schedule:
Mondays- Close Reading/ Guided Reading
Tuesdays- Mountain Language
Wednesdays- Dictionary Skills
Thursdays- Dicatation
Fridays- Mountain Math

We are also working on our Daily 5 skills.

Cursive- We have only 2 more lowercase letters before we start the uppercase letters. The students' writing looks great. They are all making progress!

Unit Study- Our next unit of study will be "Simple Machines". The students will be involved in lessons similar to our "Bridges" unit. Using the STEM method has been so beneficial to the class. They have had experience being "Engineers" which has given them hands-on learning that cannot be achieved any other way.

Fall Break:
Fall Break begins next Thursday, Oct. 16th and ends on Oct.22nd. Students come back to school on the 23rd.

Halloween Party: Our Halloween Party will be held on Friday, October 31st. It is scheduled for the last hour of the day. The following is the sign-up list from Back-to-School night.

One dozen glazed donuts: Lacey McGarvey
One dozen glazed donuts: Amy Miller
One dozen glazed donuts: Kate Herbaugh
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Amy Wittwer
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Kaycee Turek
1/2 gallon sherbet (any flavor): Kris Slack
One 2-liter Sprite: Tori Jenkins
One 2-liter Sprite: Amy Wittwer
One 2-liter Sprite: Sandi Lunt
One 2-liter Sprite: Kim Holyoak
Cups, Spoons, and Napkins- Brynda Thomson

Thank you for all of your support! I really enjoyed meeting with you all at SEP's!