Monday, March 23, 2015

Next Tuesday, March 31st, the 3rd Grade will be traveling to the west side of town to Diamond Z Arena for our district wide Farm Field Day. The bus will be leaving at 9:00 or so that morning and will bring the students back in time for lunch. That afternoon, we will have our Easter Party. The following is a list of those who signed up:

Plastic Filled Eggs: Amy Wittwer
Plastic Filled Eggs: Sandi Lunt
Plastic Filled Eggs: Robyn Ekker
Plastic Filled Eggs: Brynda Thomson
Plastic Filled Eggs: Tori Jenkins
Boxed Drinks: Lacey McGarvey
Boxed Drinks: Kim Holyoak
Boxed Drinks:

Thank you all for helping with our class parties. The students really enjoy them.

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